Educational Accreditation Bodies in Lithuania
Accreditation is a kind of quality assurance mechanism under which the educational institutions are assessed. In Lithuania, the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education is responsible for the evaluation of the quality of
Lithuania higher education.
Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (SKVC)
Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, set up in 1995 is an independent public authority that executes external quality assurance mechanism in Lithuanian higher education. This agency was established by the Ministry of Education and Science, Lithuania. The SKVC is responsible for the evaluation of the quality of higher education institution and its qualifications. For more details see
Lithuanian University Rectors' Conference
The Lithuanian University Rectors' Conference manages the relationship between the directors or rectors of the universities in Lithuania, and additionally the rectors’ relationship with the municipal institutions, administration institutions and the state government. The Lithuanian University Rector Conference work towards the cooperation and coordination between higher education institutions and international establishments, local self-governing bodies and governmental agencies. It develops and promotes the Lithuanian educational, scientific, economic and cultural aspects. For more details see
Lithuanian College Directors' Conference
The Lithuanian Colleges Directors’ Conference manages activities among the colleges in Lithuania. It acts as a mediator between the Ministry of Education and Science and other government colleges and institutions. For more details see
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
The Lithuanian Academy of Sciences is an advisory authority to the Seimas of Lithuania and the Government of science, research and development policy. The council executes the education policy of Lithuania and assesses the research activities. It also represents the matters related to the Lithuanian science and development in the European Union Member States and international organizations. For more details see
Ministry of Education, Science and Sports
The Ministry of Education and Science is responsible for the education system- formal as well non-formal education, in Lithuania. The Ministry implements the policies and plans relating to studies, and coordinates the activities of the educational institutions in Lithuania. For more details see